When I first started getting into photography it was for making postcards, and digital was not even on the market at that time. My first camera was a Canon, given to me by my father-in-law. It took great pictures, and I still enjoy using it from time-to-time.
Fast forward 13 years, and digital is now the way to go. I still prefer a Canon. I am able now to take aerial pictures from the ground with a remote control airplane. There is no such thing as a bad picture with digital being on board. I can click delete on any that are not up to par.
Canon cameras always get great reviews, and there are so many to choose from. I use a Canon PowerShot for my aerials, because weight is a factor. It is nice and compact, and takes sharp images. I have a camera mount on the side of the plane that I rigged and I use a toggle switch to snap my pictures. I take as many as I can and then land the plane and pop the SD card into my laptop and check them out. If I didn't get the picture I wanted, I send my little plane back up.
A fun and rewarding hobby!